Parkhollow Place Property Owners Association, Inc

c/o Randall Management, 6200 Savoy, Suite 420, Houston, Texas 77036

September 28, 2021
Zoom Meeting
A Meeting of the Parkhollow Place Association, Inc. Board of Directors will be held by Zoom.
Please call or email Imelda Garza at to be placed on the Open Forum Agenda.

All owners are welcome to attend. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM.
General Session Agenda

  • I. Call to Order.
  • II. Establish Quorum
  • III. Adoption of Agenda
  • IV. Ratification of decisions made since last Board Meeting
  • V. Approval of the Minutes – Prior Meeting Minutes
  • VI. Management Update
  • VII. Unfinished Business
  • VIII. New Business
  • IX. Open Forum
  • X. Adjournment of General Session


An Executive Session will follow the general session. The Board will discuss the following items in Executive Session:

Collections – Specific Collection Matters, Legal Collection Accounts, Deed Restrictions – Specific Deed Restriction Matters, Legal Deed Restriction Matters, and Contract Negotiations.


For Smart Phones, Laptops and Computers:

If you would like to participate in the meeting, you may download the Zoom app on your smart phone, laptop or computer and input the Meeting ID and Password listed below. For video conferencing, please allow video permission.

Meeting ID: 880 0078 0419
Password: PH

For Calling-In Instructions

Please dial 1-346-248-7799 and input the Meeting ID and Password below:

Meeting ID: 880 0078 0419
Password: 496842 (calling in will not allow for video conference)